home dir to usb thx & some OT (long)

betty nicepenguin at webcanine.com
Thu Dec 31 18:21:44 MST 2009

thank you kurt, et al, for the kind words of help, support.
kurt , you did a good job of walking me through the precise way to copy 
the home dir to usb, and the reasons to use the different commands.

I am copying it to the usb so that after a fresh install of ubuntu 
8.04lts on a new computer i can use my same home dir & settings, never 
did that before. When i get that far i guess i need to ask, ? where do i 
install it to????

I have been on this list since 2000, i think. i am a grandma, & a nurse. 
i started w/redhat years ago and always found the list people to be 
helpful since i am really only a gui user. But whenever i talk to 
someone about computers, i try to convince them that open source is the 
way to go and the way of the future. I try to preface my requests for 
help here with saying what i don't know, since almost everyone knows 
more than me on this list; that way people will be nice and give me 
careful advice, like you did.

Sometimes it starts a list argument to ask a question about the way to 
perform something; like the dd vs, cp vs rsync and since i didn't know 
the in's and out's of each one it was impossible to decide who's answer 
was best for my situation.

I think if i gave most members  here an i.v. start kit and a delivery 
kit and had to tell them how to start the i.v. on a laboring mom, then 
deliver the baby, they would appreciate having more detail to attention 
and social 'handholding'  through the procedure. (the patient would 
appreciate it too!)

Linux is really the best thing out there, not expensive like apple and 
not nasty  and bulky like M$.  I like being a gui user because it shows 
that people outside the tech community can be users too, and isn't that 
what we want? (or is it [rhetorical]) ... just my thoughts.

btw, what happened to der.hans?? he was always a promoter of helpful 
answers to even stupid questions.

betty i.
information for people 
who care for dogs.

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