Politics/Ethics: Operation PinWale - Obama Administration Seeks Emergency Control of the Internet

Jason Spatafore jason_online at spatafore.net
Sun Aug 30 16:17:48 MST 2009

On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 16:02 -0700, Ryan Rix wrote:
> How do you deal with the security implications/identity crises that
> computer 
> based voting introduces?

The same way you deal with it with paper voting. You figure out who the
bad guys are and put them in jail. Identity theft is a real threat..but
it really is a minor threat to such a system as a whole. (Especially if
you keep the voting system only routable within the USA boundaries.)

>Who pays for the advertisements and the money that gives the people who
>for office the power and the footprint to actually get elected? Not me
>anyone else; the lobbyists who want those people elected, the lobbyists
>then control those who are in office.

You wouldn't need the elected officials after implementing my plan...so
that would also reduce the lobbyists. (You ban political items from
public airways and setup 3 TV and 3 radio stations across the country
that are political only discussions.)

By the way, I voted for Nader in this election. Yes, he lost...but I did
the right vote for who I wanted. I wasn't blinded by those lobbyists you
speak of. Sorry that I can't believe in the lobbyists corruption theory.
If you're looking for somebody to blame, blame the American people for
being a bunch of lazy jack asses when it comes to elections, not the
lobbyists. Now, of course, I won't succumb to the FUD behind "If people
are lazy now, how lazy do you think they'll be if they had a direct say"
tactic. I wouldn't be scared..because the involved people would rule the
country, and that is how it *should* be.

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