LVM extension into new space and partition edits

Alan Dayley alandd at
Mon Aug 24 19:32:49 MST 2009

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Lisa Kachold<lisakachold at> wrote:
> Yes, test it on one of the mirrors (don't believe these guys! [laugh])...
> But of course mirroring a 250 yields another 250?
> Course you should just be able to add one TB at a time via the
> hardware RAID tools:
> Unless you have a perc 6i:
> Of course,I would dd the current disk image to backup (across the
> network or on a USB external drive) after booting into a Knoppix
> pendrive/LiveCD before starting anything so you can get it back.
> Once you have expanded your RAID 1 with 2Tb, you can add it back and resize:
> I like to manipulate my img files in addition to hardware RAID before
> backup -- too many years of Perc - olation failures....!

Thanks for all the great discussion and advice!

I am planning ahead for this expansion of space.  We need it badly but
not so badly that we want to rush and risk data!  I was going to do it
on Saturday but that's Phoenix Bar Camp[1] so maybe the Saturday after
that.  Or a long, late night this week.

The best advice I had not thought of was to test it.  Duh!  I'll be
doing a test first to make sure I'm good with the process.


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