PLUG's role in improving Phx

Joshua Zeidner jjzeidner at
Sun Aug 2 23:02:45 MST 2009

 Hey Alan,

  I think for starters that someone needs to really take a long hard
look at the economic characteristics of PHX and really get some hard
numbers on

  1) what is the scale of software dev here (and perhaps FOSS usage as well) ?

  2) exactly what if anything is driving this activity?

  3) how can AZ best optimize its economy for its own needs (not just
being CA lite)?

  There clearly are a lot of people interested in software in this
area.  Why?  On what level and in what capacity can we best compete
with CA?  If we can answer these questions objectively THEN perhaps we
can build adequate and appropriate community infrastructure that
serves our needs.  I think the most important premise is, why are
people sending work to India when prices in AZ are comparable?
perhaps an important sub point is that this situation has recently
emerged and perhaps AZ has not yet adjusted?  My observations are that
many of the people who are in this arena are really just unqualified
and looking for an alternative to working at WalMart.

  As for PLUG- I appreciate it greatly.  But I ask be critical of when
people complain- "OT" is an often used excuse for intolerance of other
peoples ideas.


On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Alan Dayley<alandd at> wrote:
> The thread I started and fed a bit, "Geek/Tech/Entrepreneur Stuff to
> do in PHX"[1], has spun off into the weeds of "non-Linux" and
> "non-group" discussion.  Some of it is very interesting but it is far
> afield from the purpose of this email list.  I'd like to try to pull
> it back around to direct relevancy.
> Given:
> - Arizona and specifically the Phoenix valley has many
> Geek/Tech/Entrepreneur events and groups.
> - Some of these events and groups are weak attempts at marketing or
> self-aggrandizement or creating closed clubs or sincere but misguided
> dreamers.
> - Some of these events and groups truly aspire to great things and
> work to make them happen.
> - PLUG is, perhaps, one of the later, working to help our community.
> Question:
> What can we, PLUG and individual members of PLUG, do to improve
> community, business, entrepreneurship and life for us in Phoenix?
> Comment:
> I went back in the thread and read most of it.  There are great ideas
> there and good thinkers who don't always agree but have strong voices.
>  And I see a great deal of criticism.  And I see little in the way of
> what to DO about all the negative things mentioned.  We should be
> having a constructive discussion about the "right way" to grow
> community and technology in Phoenix, and PLUG's part in that.  Let's
> do that discussion.
> In my opinion.
> Alan
> [1] (
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