****Re: Geek/Tech/Entrepreneur Stuff to do in PHX

Lyle Tuttle L.tuttle at cox.net
Sun Aug 2 22:42:58 MST 2009

>The National Debt went from less than 2 trillion to over 10 trillion
>under Bush.

Uh, actually, it was $1.3 trillion........at least, it WAS after the 
TARP and BEFORE Obama.....

>There's no suitable prediction for what the net effects of Obama's
>efforts will yield. The destruction of the world economy and a
>depression perhaps larger than that experienced in the 1930's was
>probably if the government had not stepped in and propped up some of
>these companies.

Ummm, I'm not an economist, but most of them say differently....

>If you have an argument to make about that, by all
>means make one. The fact is we printed money to fight an expensive war
>in Iraq that we couldn't afford and pumped up the economy on a false
>housing bubble that burst because there was no oversight over the
>lenders and the bundling of the loans. I personally lay this at Bush's

Perhaps you should take a look at this video -- it might help refresh 
your memory:


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