Geek/Tech/Entrepreneur Stuff to do in PHX

der.hans PLUGd at
Sun Aug 2 13:08:22 MST 2009

Am 31. Jul, 2009 schwätzte Nathan England so:

moin moin,

> I wish there was something like that down here in Douglas! I'd like to find another geek type person, even a <flameretardentsuit>Windows User</flameretardentsuit>...

Didn't realize you're now down in Douglas. Unlike Payson, I might actually
know people in Douglas :).

Start a Free Software Stammtisch. I'll list you on my Stammtische
page. Even if no one show up, you get to go out for a meal and some drinks
once a month :).

Find a restaurant that has room for a few people to meet and talk and show
up there every month at the same time. Announce it with PLUG and the
Arizona LoCo. There's also a community college down there, so maybe you
can put up flyers there.

We already have Stammtische in Tempe, Avondale and Prescott. It's a low
effort type of meeting because no presentations or organization outside
some advertising is required.

It's also fun even if you only get a couple of other people to show up. We
only had 3 people in Tempe in July ( after having at least 20 in June ),
but the 3 of us had fun. I also got more info about a potential job, so it
was definitely worth it for me.


#  "Every person who has mastered a profession is a skeptic concerning it."
#     -- George Bernard Shaw

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