blow me away, Alex Costellanos on CNN tonight

Craig White craigwhite at
Tue Nov 4 23:40:35 MST 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 23:21 -0700, Carlos Macedo Gomes wrote:
> I heard the same thing.  I was a bit in WTF mode waiting for him to
> say something off target with ESR's essay or negative about the
> movement but it was actually very positive.  I'm not sure anyone else
> understood what he was talking about but it was a cool moment for
> OSS :-).
a ton of things went through my head when he said that...

- this is a Republican but he seemed extremely well versed in Open

- this was such an obscure reference for the viewership of CNN - as you
said, "I'm not sure if anyone else understood what he was talking about"

- that he simultaneously was giving props to Obama for his reaching out
to those who didn't vote for him while laying a foundation for his plans
for the rebuilding of America and connected it to the Open Source


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