Kubuntu 8.04 // Dell 1420 Inspiron // No sound

Rhune Lord rhunelord at gmail.com
Fri May 23 11:39:22 MST 2008

I work in tech support so I actually appreciate the statement about
the dumb question, hehehehe.

The hard buttons on the controls are turned up, the ALSA controls are
turned up the sys tray icon is turned up even when I switch it to OSS
its turned up.  I know they work because when I had Windows Vista
Ultimate on it this thing ran like a champ.  I love everything I learn
about Linux, but times like this I understand why M$ has control of
the home user market they do.  I am determined to not give up Josh and
Alan's interview has convince me dual-booting will be a crutch if I am
to learn anything.

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 8:09 AM,  <alex at crackpot.org> wrote:
> Quoting Rhune Lord <rhunelord at gmail.com>:
> Dumb question, but are you sure the volume is turned up?
> alex


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