remedying debian ssl issue

der.hans PLUGd at
Tue May 13 21:46:30 MST 2008

Am 13. Mai, 2008 schwätzte Alex Dean so:

> I've got a personal server and a laptop running Ubuntu Hardy.  I've run full 
> system updates including libssl, openssl, etc.
> Crypto isn't really my thing, so I'm not sure all the places where this issue 
> might have affected me.  After the update, I regenerated my host keys for 
> openssh, the certificate used for courier-imap-ssl, and the self-signed cert 
> I use for the web server.
> What other steps might I need to take?  Are the things I've done so far 
> sensible, or were they unnecessary?

Sensible if the certs were generated in the last couple of years.

I think certs/keys older than 2006 should be safe.

If you have client sessions open to services make sure they get restarted
as well.

One of the posts I read suggested also changing passwords for systems that
had weak keys.

Luckily most of my keys are older than the bug :).


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