Asterisk (geek girl)

Geek Girl geekgirl28 at
Sun Mar 2 11:11:55 MST 2008

Well the Phoenix Asterisk Users Group is going to be organizing. I do know 
this first hand. =-)

Alas AdminsParadise is officialy a dead project.
Elastix has hylafax bundeled in thier distro...
The biggest problem right now with trixbox is that there are 4 people that 
work on it...2 developers and a sales guy and a Package dude..Oh and dont 
get me started on the fact that your trixbox has a cron job that sends your 
data to trixbox servers...this was a HUGE fiasco about a month back....This 
was previously unreleased info to the community. Fonality has put all of 
their money and energy in trixbox PRO..(which is a peice of cr at p)
You can compile on the back end...HA but if they do not support the card you 
cannot configure it in the GUI....and void any waranty bla bla bla.....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JD Austin" <jd at>
To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: Asterisk (geek girl)

>I used trixbox until Fonality took them over.
> The problem with trixbox and it's predecessor asterisk at home was that
> releases were seldom released without major issues.
> I spent more time fixing delivered bugs than anything else.
> The upside of that is that I learned a lot about asterisk and freepbx.
> I got used to immediately upgrading every core component right after
> install.
> Now days I don't use Trixbox at all.
> I've tried several other distributions and for a time liked
> adminsparadise because it bundled hylafax/avantfax.
> They stopped updating so I started updating it myself; now their site is
> gone :(
> I've been using PBX In A flash since it existed and of all the distros
> it's been the most stable out of the box.
> If it had hylafax/avantfax bundled and oslec it would be perfect.
> End point manager was nice though pbxinaflash has command line tools to
> set up
> snom, aastra, grandstream, polycom, cisco, and linksys.. I don't know
> how well they work though.
> Anyone know where/when they'll have a Phoenix Asterisk User Group
> meeting?  It's been 'organizing' for about a year ;)
> JD
> Geek Girl wrote:
>> I would like to clarify....trixbox is a great system but the package 
>> manager
>> sometimes has very broken things onit. Or you are forced into having the
>> versions of asterisk and zaptel that trixbox wants to release etc. It is 
>> a
>> great system if you want a system that you dont change or update often. 
>> PBX
>> in a flash builds a generic CentOS base and then runs scripts to build
>> asterisk/zaptel and freePBX (the web GUI) and still has everything but 
>> the
>> end point manager. My last comment was a bit calus so I felt the need to
>> clarify a bit...=-)
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Geek Girl" <geekgirl28 at>
>> To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>
>> Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 6:17 PM
>> Subject: Re: Adterisk (geek girl)
>>> That depends lol. If you want a system that is controlled by a package
>>> manager and that most of the time is screwed up go with trixbox...
>>> If you want something that has tons of community support and that you 
>>> can
>>> compile with from source and that is still using a CentOS5 base I would 
>>> go
>>> with PBX in a flash....
>>> The only real thing that trixbox has going for it really is the endpoint
>>> manager...
> ---------------------------------------------------
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