InstallFest - Saturday July 26, UAT? 10AM to 4PM

stu wien33 at
Sat Jul 26 09:17:33 MST 2008

In such a case, we could offer "unprepared" people a Live Distro, like Knoppix 
or DSL and show them how to run it on their computers, along with advice and 
instructions on how to get their computers ready for a full install on the 
next Installfest. One of my favorite methods of "selling" Linux is to show 
people how to salvage their data from a BSOD'd Windows box with a live 

On Saturday 26 July 2008 2:34 am, Dazed_75 wrote:
> I think you would need to clear that with the school first.  I would
> also be concerned about people coming without doing any prep for there
> systems and being turned off when we have to tell them to do backups,
> cleanups, and defrags depending on what they want done.
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Josef Lowder <joe at> wrote:
> > What would you think about putting a big sandwich board
> > something like the one shown at the following link
> > outside the building where you host the installfest?
> >
> >
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