OT: What's the best HDTV antenna setup?

Josef Lowder joe at actionline.com
Fri Jul 4 13:50:55 MST 2008

Thanks, plugger friends, for your responses.

So, may I ask one more related question:

Since there are cable jacks in three rooms in our house,
could I just relocate in the unsightly "set-top" UHF antenna
that I now have sitting on top of the TV in the living room and
perhaps use a double-male coupler (is there such a thing)
to plug that simple antenna into the cabling that runs through
the house and thereby obtain a signal for the other two rooms?

On 7/4/08, eculbert <eculbert at yahoo.com> wrote:
ANY good uhf antenna IS a hdtv antenna. As long as it will receive
in the 800mhz band, don't waste your money on 'special hdtv antennas'.

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