Stammtische this Tues

der.hans PLUGd at
Mon Feb 18 22:26:21 MST 2008

Am 14. Feb, 2008 schwätzte storkus at so:

> Ok, I know this is probably the stupidest question ever brought up here,
> but...
> What, exactly, is a "Stammtische"?  A *fest, hoe-down, or what?

We prefer shovels :).

Essentially the Free Software Stammtisch is a chance to hang out and talk
about stuff over food and drink. There's no agenda, not even a requirement
to talk about Free Software. Free Software is the most common topic, but
I've recently heard talk about cars, Greece, moving to San Francisco,
Medieval dance and adopting kids.

The Free Software Stammtisch is a social environment for GNU, Linux, *BSD
and Free Software enthusiasts that meets every third Tuesday of the month.

A Stammtisch is the table at which regular customers meet. In Germany,
it's common for groups of friends or people with common interest to get
together on a regular basis. English terms that might encompass similar
activities would be special interest group and bridge club. Stammtisch
often gets directly translated as "regulars' table".

In Germany there are many, many Stammtische. Some are groups of friends
that have been meeting since they were kids and some are people with a
common interest such as a Motorrad Stammtisch ( motorcyle enthusiasts
meeting ).

Stammtische generally meet at bars and restaurants, so it's a social
eating and drinking activity.


#  "I interviewed Jonathan Winters once in the late '80s, it was as if he were
#  narrating a hallucination that I didn't see." -- Terry Gross, 03Aug2006

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