Memory limit.

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Fri Feb 15 15:40:16 MST 2008

From: Craig White <craigwhite at>
> On Fri, 2008-02-15 at 14:49 -0700, jordi laforge wrote:
> > XP has a 4gig memory limit. Does anyone know what it is for Linux?
> 1 - use a 64 bit OS (I believe that there is a Windows XP 64 bit version
> available) and there are definitely 64 bit versions of Win2K3 (server)
> and of course Linux

...and the XP64 support is apparently not great for some^W a bunch of
things.  x86_64 Linux is much better in this regard, but there are still
a few things that are harder than they should be, like getting Java 
working in Firefox.  One thing (epsxe) doesn't work *at all* on x86_64

> I believe that there are some PAE kernel extensions

With PAE, you can have 64G total, but each process will be able to use a
max of about 3.5G.  PAE is also slower than going with a flat address
space.  Note that YMMV, and HTH,

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