Xorg slow down rquires a kill

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Thu Apr 24 10:30:23 MST 2008

After a long battle with technology, Kevin Faulkner wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:10:46AM +0000, Michael Havens wrote:
>> I've noticed that after about 2-3 weeks of not shutting off my computer
>> that things grind to a halt and that I need to kill Xorg.  Is there
>> anything I can do or is it just my old k6 processor and I'll have to live
>> with it?
> This is a pretty broad question. How much swap are you using? Are you maxed
> out on memory? Is it really a K6? show what "free" has to say. Prior to
> restarting X use top to find out what the whole picutre is because maybe its
> something else (perhaps kde? or a gnome app gone wild?).

Also, which version of which distro are you using, and which version of X?  A 
number of SuSE versions shipped with buggy X that could fall into a loop of 
calling gettimeofday() over and over and over again.  A high-end K6-3 could 
easily be usable for light tasks if it had enough memory.  A PIII-900 could 
run KDE 3.3 with only 384M, after all.  The thing that's actually more likely 
than KDE or GNOME eating all the memory is a Java or Flash app invoked from 
Firefox using up tons of memory.  KDE's a pig, but it uses ~500M and stays 
there.  Bad Java and bad Flash will eat all the RAM you have and then some.

   The early bird who catches the worm works for someone who comes in
   late and owns the worm farm.  --Travis McGee
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Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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