Somewhat OT: The JerryLeeCooper Saga

Technomage-hawke technomage.hawke at
Fri Sep 14 21:20:48 MST 2007

On Friday 14 September 2007 14:22, David Munson wrote:
> This should not be read by those who experience blinding rage when
> confronted by people who obviously don't know what they're talking
> about, those with heart conditions, those with psychological
> conditions, women who are pregnant or nursing, or any sane human
> being.

the problem with people like this who give the appearance of knowledge (call 
it BS)is that, even though they don't know what they are talking about, they 
will tend to be believed by the general population (often due to their glib 

I am no exception to this rule. However, I have had to learn from some "hard 
knocks" that one SHOULD know what they are talking about, or forever be 
branded as a con artist. Sure, actually KNOWING the subject at hand requires 
work, but anything worthwhile *always requires work*!

Thus, when I am confronted with such individuals as these, I either tell them 
UP FRONT what they are, or I just sit back and let them bury themselves (with 
a word or 2 to anyone else around that perhaps better information can be had 

in any case, the best course of action I have found is to NOT get emotional. 
just ask questions (lots of them). after a while, the "BS artist" in question 
will slip up and then thats it. they are had with very little effort.

This is how to deal with the rage problem. simply don't let it happen and make 
them (the BS artist) do all the work.



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