trouble playing .mov files

Craig White craig at
Fri Sep 7 10:02:37 MST 2007

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 22:09 -0700, Josh Coffman wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm trying to play .Mov files for the purpose of teaching myself
> ruby on rails, but my Fedora 7 box is not helping. the mplayer plugin
> buffers but won't play it. I have all the codecs for mplayer. Can
> anyone make a suggestions what I might be missing. 
> Here is what I'm trying to play:
# rpm -qa|grep mplayer

using livna (note the x86_64) but same should hold true for i386 (and of
course this is Fedora 7)

I do seem to recall needing to download them to my local desktop because
there wasn't enough bandwidth to play in real time over the net.

I'm downloading the first one right now to see if it will play on my
FC-6 desktop

Craig White <craig at>

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