Great for Grandmas who Like to nano xorg.conf

Dazed_75 lthielster at
Wed Oct 24 10:59:35 MST 2007

On 10/24/07, Craig Brooksby <craig.brooksby at> wrote:
> Installed ubuntu gutsy -- fresh install.
> Delighted that it configured itself with nvidia, 1680 x 1050 from the
> first boot!
> None of the hard work that Feisty required to get that.
> Sweet.  Until last night, when it inexplicably (did I apply some
> update or other?) and suddenly decided to boot up in 800 x 600 and in
> the hours since then, I am in xorg.conf hell.
> I am now scooting along at 1400 x 1050 and still working on it.
> In 8-10 more hours, I may be able to figure this out.  This is getting me close:
> The theme of this whine is that Ubuntu is great for grandma, until
> something happens.  Then it's back to editing xorg.conf.
> I find myself wishing that Linux had some kind of rollback or that
> configuration was versioned.  Or something.
> ---------------------------------------------------

Probably a dumb question, but have you tried System -> Administration
-> Screens and Graphics which is new in 7.10?

Also, if you installed the restricted nvidia driver, you might try
using nvidia-settings from the command line (I do not recall if you
have to gksudo it).

Given what that bug report said though, I have no confidence either of
these would resolve your issue.

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