Looking for Linux Cell Phone/PDA Recommendation

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Thu May 31 22:24:39 MST 2007

Am 30. May, 2007 schwätzte Erich Newell so:

> I'd really like to have a LINUX based smartphone. Are there any others with
> a screen as large as the Treo's?

Doesn't look as large as Treo, but the article says it's Linux based.


Any other Linux based phones actually available in Phoenix?






Do the helio phones work with GNU/Linux? What OS do they have?


I'd rather go the other way, simplify the phone. It needs to handle
connecting to the networks, base handset ( dialing, mic and speaker ) and
bluetooth ( or other local wireless ). The I use something like the Nokia


Even better would be a way to separate the processor from the display
device such that I could use different displays depending on the
environment. Unfortunately, no one seems to want to offer such a product
and I don't have the money to develop one.

I don't know of any place that'll rate the devices for survival rate in
motorcycle accidents... :)


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