VNC remote screen blanking

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Mon May 21 15:34:59 MST 2007

VNC by nature will use a different X screen.  When you start vncserver  
with :1, it'll start X, encapsulate it inside of a virtual session 
unseen on screen and connectible by saying "vncviewer hostname:1"

That's how it's always worked for me rigth out of the box.

As far as root console, I won't touch that with a 10 foot pole.

Nate Plamondon wrote:
> I use my home computer (running Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) with gnome 
> 2.16.1) frequently from work and elsewhere via x11vnc 0.8.2.  It works 
> fine, although a bit slow.  I am, however, concerned about all my 
> actions showing on-screen at home.  I would be much more comfortable 
> with this solution if I was able to keep my home screen blank and 
> locked while interacting remotely.  All the advice I've been able to 
> find points to using another X session on the home machine, but I 
> would very much like to use my root console.  Do any of you have a 
> solution or suggestions on where to look?
> -- 
> Nate Plamondon
> nplamondon<spam>@[sucks]
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