Resizing partitions on SATA drives

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Thu Jun 21 13:13:07 MST 2007

On Wednesday 20 June 2007 17:02, after a long battle with technology, 
Bryan O'Neal wrote:
> From: Bryan O'Neal
>> How about you guys?  Any one know of a live CD I can use to make a
>> few recordings or just to test my capture card without "installing"
>> on my SATA MS MCP box?
> For that matter any one know of a way to safely resize NTFS
> partitions on SATA drives?

I'm extremely surprised that no one's said anything to you yet.  But the 
System Rescue CD ( ) is a LiveCD that 
includes gparted and partimage (so you can back up and restore if the 
whole partition resize goes south.)  I have used gparted 4 or 5 times 
to resize 2K and XP variants of NTFS partitions successfully, though 
all those partitions lived on IDE disks.  The kernel's 2.6.20, so 
unless your SATA chipset is really new, it should work without a hitch.  

  >Sci-fi shows jump the shark when they introduce time travel.
  Can a series jump the shark straight off, or does it need to get a
  bigger shark?          --Brian Kantor and David Delaney in ASR
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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