will this work?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Jul 16 06:16:51 MST 2007

On Monday 16 July 2007 01:25, after a long battle with technology, Jerry 
Davis wrote:
> On Sunday 15 July 2007 22:14, Jerry Davis wrote:
>> System B does an nfs mount of A:/data on say /mnt/A .
>> Now lets say that I am running out of partition space on A:/data
>> So I add more disk space on another device, lets call it A:/data1
>> But I want to be able to access it under A:/data as if it was
>> underneath /data in the first place on both system A and System B.

Read the LVM-HOWTO, http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/LVM-HOWTO/ , 
for one of the best ways to resolve this and similar problems that I've 
seen.  With LVM, you can plonk in another disk, partition it, pvcreate 
that partition, vgextend, lvresize, and resize2fs to expand the 
filesystem--all without disturbing the users' activities.  Shrinking 
FSes (only ext23 and ReiserFS can be shrunk) requires umounting, 

> System A:
> 	mkdir /data/mymountpoint
> 	ln -s /data1 /data/mymountpoint
> 	export both /data and /data1
> System B:
> 	mount A:/data on /mnt/A
> 	mount A:/data1 on /mnt/A1
> 	and in rc.local do:
> 	ln -s /mnt/A1 /mnt/A/mymountpoint

This should work, but then you don't get all the useful features of LVM 
like snapshots.  Also, it's generally *a lot* easier to resize an LV 
than it is to resize a partition.  The main downside of LVM is that 
things that aren't Linux won't grok LVM.  (This is the main reason why 
my laptop isn't using LVM, the ext2 IFS is useful on the rare occasions 
when I need 'Doze.)  HTH,

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   One OS to bring them all and with the EULA bind them
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