64 Bit Computing

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Tue Jul 10 14:03:48 MST 2007

On Tuesday 10 July 2007 11:21, after a long battle with technology, Mike 
Garfias wrote:
> You don't need to run a chroot jail to run 32bit apps.  install the
> ia32-libs and it'll work with minimal issues.

Note that wmctrl didn't work a few months ago if you tried to compile a 
64-bit wmctrl and use it.  32-bit wmctrl works fine under emulation.  
OOO doesn't compile or work properly in 64-bit, but the 32-bit version 
works fine under emulation.  Also, epsxe doesn't work *at all* under 
64-bit.  That and the fact that there was no noticable speed difference 
between 32- and 64-bit on my desktop is why my desktop is now running 
as an x86-32.

  Och Aye. Twa pounds ten, and that's cutting me puir wee throatie.
  Would ye want that haggis supersized?
        -- McDibbler (Suresh Ramasubramanian, ASR Oct. 1, 2003)
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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