New Computer:

eculbert eculbert at
Tue Jan 30 12:42:36 MST 2007

Mike, 3 years ago, I picked up an 850 p3 20 gb hd, 256
ram for $15 at a yard sale. Suggest you do that or go
to the swap meet at SCC coming up next just
missed this one. Next one is 2/18. 7am to 11am if I
remember correctly, $3 entry fee from the boy scouts.
something to do with it being on SCC that they now
have to charge admission or maybe it is due to being
on the reservation, who knows, don't care.

It was a netvista a result, a couple
querks to get going, but ran okay.

IF you are in a hurry, look at:
 This one sounds good also, but how do I know..just an

Of course, shipping is about 40 extra, but...


--- Michael Havens <bmike101 at> wrote:

> Okay, Does anyone out there on the cyber trail have
> a computer they want to 
> part with? I'm on another mailing list and a guy in
> Sanfransico thinks I'm 
> crazy for trying to keep this old box as anything
> except a firewall.
> Gee..... you guys think that too!
> He was saying how he picked up a box with 768 MB RAM
> and an 800 Mhz processor, 
> with a 40 gig drive, for $20 at a yard sale and said
> if I was in his area 
> he'd give it to me. (I'll post our exchange at the
> bottom... I think it is 
> funny
> I don't even need the stuff like USB ports or hard
> drive or floppy or CDRom. I 
> can just yank them out of the old computer.
> -exchange-
> Sounds to me like udev isn't running on your box.
> Is it even installed?
> I'm running Ubuntu, another Debian derivative.  Have
> you tried:
> dpkg -l | grep -i udev
> Have you tried running Ubuntu.  Everything is just
> there and it works.
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    Yep.... udev is there.
> apt-get install udev
> udev is the newest version
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    Well, I can't help you a whole lot then.  I've
> been following the
> discussion a bit and if you've got to recompile the
> kernel...   well
> that's ugly.  I don't know what your situation is,
> but have you
> considered switching to Ubuntu Linux?  It's also a
> Debian derivative and
> jpilot just works, like most everything else.
> I know it's something of a tail wagging the dog kind
> of thing, but
> Ubuntu really is complete.  I've been using one form
> of 'IX or another
> since 1989 and I'm in love with Ubuntu.
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    I like the sound of that. I guess Ubuntuu
> shouldn't be that bad......
> but really I do want to compile a kernel. I guess it
> is for my own
> edification. If compiling a new kernel doesn't help
> I will do it then
> PLUS I'll have my custom kernel!
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    Having a custom kernel only means that YOU have
> to support that kernel.
> And 6 months from now when a later kernel rev comes
> out, if you want to
> be current, you'll have to re-compile that kernel
> with your specific
> mods, which may or may not work with that kernel.
> I haven't had to compile a kernel in 15 years and I
> don't plan to do so
> again any time soon.
> Give me something that works.
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    I am running the 2 6 15 kernel now and the
> concensus seems to be that
> my box cannot run such a kernel. I then ran synaptic
> to get a 2 4
> kernel (2 4 27-2-k6) but that didn't install a
> properly running
> kernel. So I am just biding my time until:
> 1- it works
> 2- someone takes the time to help show me how to
> compile it.
> It seems david said he had written an extensive how
> to so right now I
> am just waiting for a link to it
> - Show quoted text -
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    Running Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake), I have the
> 2.6.15-27 kernel.  Unless
> your box is REALLY old, I'm sure it would support
> that just fine.  All
> it needs is a 350 Mhz processor and 128 MB RAM. 
> Surely you have that much.
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    REAAAAALY old! I had it built in 97..... or was
> it 96? It has a k6 
> processor
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    Oh God!  Why do you waste your time with it then
> when newer stuff is
> sooooooo cheap?  Isn't your time worth something? 
> Last year I picked up
> a box with 768 MB RAM and an 800 Mhz processor, with
> a 40 gig drive, for
> $20 at a yard sale.  I'm cleaning out the basement
> now and if you were
> here in the San Francisco area where I live, I'd
> give the damn thing to
> you.  Good grief!  1997?!
> Machines that old can be useful, but not as
> desktops.  There's a special
> Linux gizmo out there which exists solely on a
> floppy disk for the
> purpose of making your machine into a firewall.  Put
> two NIC cards in
> the box and a floppy drive, and that's all you need.
>   No hard drive at
> all.  Of course seeing as how you can buy commercial
> firewall/routers
> for about $25 new, why bother?!
> Junk that machine man and score something a little
> newer at least.  I'll
> betcha you could find a 500 Mhz PIII box for $50 or
> less if you just
> look around.
> Coolness,
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash
> this message | Show original  
>    Okay Russ.... I'll look around. I'll ask the
> local Linux guys! They'll
> help me pick something up (I hope).
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