New Computer:

Justin Anthony arethius at
Tue Jan 30 12:39:01 MST 2007

Michael Havens wrote:
> Okay, Does anyone out there on the cyber trail have a computer they want to 
> part with? I'm on another mailing list and a guy in Sanfransico thinks I'm 
> crazy for trying to keep this old box as anything except a firewall.
> Gee..... you guys think that too!
> He was saying how he picked up a box with 768 MB RAM and an 800 Mhz processor, 
> with a 40 gig drive, for $20 at a yard sale and said if I was in his area 
> he'd give it to me. (I'll post our exchange at the bottom... I think it is 
> funny
> I don't even need the stuff like USB ports or hard drive or floppy or CDRom. I 
> can just yank them out of the old computer.
> -exchange-
> Sounds to me like udev isn't running on your box.
> Is it even installed?
> I'm running Ubuntu, another Debian derivative.  Have you tried:
> dpkg -l | grep -i udev
> Have you tried running Ubuntu.  Everything is just there and it works.
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    Yep.... udev is there.
> apt-get install udev
> udev is the newest version
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    Well, I can't help you a whole lot then.  I've been following the
> discussion a bit and if you've got to recompile the kernel...   well
> that's ugly.  I don't know what your situation is, but have you
> considered switching to Ubuntu Linux?  It's also a Debian derivative and
> jpilot just works, like most everything else.
> I know it's something of a tail wagging the dog kind of thing, but
> Ubuntu really is complete.  I've been using one form of 'IX or another
> since 1989 and I'm in love with Ubuntu.
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    I like the sound of that. I guess Ubuntuu shouldn't be that bad......
> but really I do want to compile a kernel. I guess it is for my own
> edification. If compiling a new kernel doesn't help I will do it then
> PLUS I'll have my custom kernel!
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    Having a custom kernel only means that YOU have to support that kernel.
> And 6 months from now when a later kernel rev comes out, if you want to
> be current, you'll have to re-compile that kernel with your specific
> mods, which may or may not work with that kernel.
> I haven't had to compile a kernel in 15 years and I don't plan to do so
> again any time soon.
> Give me something that works.
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    I am running the 2 6 15 kernel now and the concensus seems to be that
> my box cannot run such a kernel. I then ran synaptic to get a 2 4
> kernel (2 4 27-2-k6) but that didn't install a properly running
> kernel. So I am just biding my time until:
> 1- it works
> 2- someone takes the time to help show me how to compile it.
> It seems david said he had written an extensive how to so right now I
> am just waiting for a link to it
> - Show quoted text -
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    Running Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake), I have the 2.6.15-27 kernel.  Unless
> your box is REALLY old, I'm sure it would support that just fine.  All
> it needs is a 350 Mhz processor and 128 MB RAM.  Surely you have that much.
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    REAAAAALY old! I had it built in 97..... or was it 96? It has a k6 
> processor
>    To: Michael Havens <bmike1 at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    Oh God!  Why do you waste your time with it then when newer stuff is
> sooooooo cheap?  Isn't your time worth something?  Last year I picked up
> a box with 768 MB RAM and an 800 Mhz processor, with a 40 gig drive, for
> $20 at a yard sale.  I'm cleaning out the basement now and if you were
> here in the San Francisco area where I live, I'd give the damn thing to
> you.  Good grief!  1997?!
> Machines that old can be useful, but not as desktops.  There's a special
> Linux gizmo out there which exists solely on a floppy disk for the
> purpose of making your machine into a firewall.  Put two NIC cards in
> the box and a floppy drive, and that's all you need.   No hard drive at
> all.  Of course seeing as how you can buy commercial firewall/routers
> for about $25 new, why bother?!
> Junk that machine man and score something a little newer at least.  I'll
> betcha you could find a 500 Mhz PIII box for $50 or less if you just
> look around.
> Coolness,
> Russ
>    To: Russ Button <russ at> 
>    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Trash this message | Show original  
>    Okay Russ.... I'll look around. I'll ask the local Linux guys! They'll
> help me pick something up (I hope).
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I'm thinking about selling my machine and building something not as 
powerful.  Mine might be a bit overkill for what you're looking for 

AMD 64 3200 @ 2.0ghz
1gb Corsair XMS ram with heatspreader.
Epox nForce 4 with SLI
NVidia 7600GT with 256mb x2 in SLI
160gb SATA
Creative X-Fi Fatal1ty soundcard
memorex 48x cd-burner/DVDrom
Logitech G5 mouse
ideazon MERC keyboard
5.1 logitech 80watt speakers
brand new Antec 900 case
450w Antec true blue power supply.

I'm looking to try and get atleast $1700 for this or the equivalent in 
PC parts.  I'm going to build a more powerful desktop that's not so game 
oriented after I get rid of this machine.

Like I said, it's a lot of overkill for what you're looking for, but if 
you know someone who has a kid that likes to play games this one is 
solid for it. 

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