Can't connect to localhost

Mark Phillips mark at
Fri Jan 26 11:27:59 MST 2007

I use my laptop for plone development. When I am connected to a network 
(wireless or wired), I can access zope and plone from my browser at 
localhost:8081. However, when I am not connected to a network (wireless or 
wired) I cannot access zope or plone using localhost:8081. I get page not 
found as the error. Plone and zope are stock installs from Debian packages.

These addresses work when connected to a network but not when disconnected:

I have tried the following:
1. Changing the ip-address settings in zope.conf from commented out to and I get the same error

2. ifconfig shows that lo is up and running on

3. A network testing script I have reports that lo is up and running at

4. ps aux | grep zope shows it is running just fine

It may be a routing issue, but I just can't find the problem! I don't think it 
is a plone or zope issue, but it could be.

Thanks for any thoughts provided.


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