How to save a file with unicode characters?

Alex LeDonne aledonne.listmail at
Fri Jan 26 10:55:46 MST 2007

On 1/26/07, Josef Lowder <joe at> wrote:
> .
> How can one save a file that contains unicode characters?
> When I try to save such a file, I see the following message:
> [[The selected encoding cannot encode every unicode character
>   in this document. Do you really want to save it? There could
>   be some data lost.]]
> When I view the file containing the special characters (Greek
> characters) in kwrite, they display fine, but when I save to
> a file and reload, those Greek characters disappear.
> When I paste those characters into my email client message
> body, they appear on my screen (for example: &#960;&#943;&#963;&#964;&#953;&#962; &#935;&#961;&#953;&#963;&#964;&#959;),
> though I don't know if they will be retained as I send this
> message.

Make sure that you have an encoding like UTF-8 selected in your editor.

In kwrite:
Settings | Configure Editor
 under File Format, Encoding:

Mine has KDE Default; change to UTF-8 if you're using it regularly.

You may want to change your KDE Default to UTF-8... which I can't find
in the control center.


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