TOC for man

Alex LeDonne aledonne.listmail at
Wed Feb 14 08:17:22 MST 2007

On 2/14/07, Eric Shubes <plug at> wrote:
> I'm tired of hunting for man pages. My problem is, "man what"?
> I usually know what package I'm looking for some documentation about (or
> want to learn about), so I "rpm -ql package | grep man" to see what man
> pages are available.
> Is there a better way? Of course there could be. I've googled and came up
> with nothing that's CLI oriented (which is what I want).
> I'm thinking of writing a script:
> mansfor [package_name]
> that will give me a nice menu of man pages to browse for a particular
> package. That would satisfy my immediate need. Then I'd probably add -s to
> search for a string included in a package_spec, and optional section numbers
> to filter, so it'd look more like
> mansfor {section_number} ... {-s} [package_spec]
> Does anyone know of something like this that already exists? I'm just not
> inclined to reinvent the wheel.
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'

Well, apropos searches the installed manpages' descriptions for
keywords and gives you a list of manpages... if the manpages in a
package all mention the package name, apropos will include all of them
in its list.

I'd think that between apropos and the See Also sections of those
results, you'd get what you were looking for.

But I've never seen anything that actually probes on a per-package basis.


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