No subject

Tue Aug 28 17:24:13 MST 2007

If I leave my car keys in my car in my driveway and someone steals my car, they stole it.

Seems like this guy is a victim not a violator of the law.  If you take something from my computer I did not intend you take that is theft.  If he made the music available by accident that may not constitute theft however that might not constitute willful sharing.

It is an uneven court battle though. 

Craig White <craig at> wrote: 
On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 23:36 -0700, Matt Graham wrote:
> From: Alan Dayley 
> > Craig White wrote:
> >> You can count on local news to completely botch the story - CNN too. 
> > I don't like to watch the news.  Nearly any story on any topic that I
> > have some knowledge about, they get wrong somehow.  So, if that happens
> > every time with things I have knowledge of, how can I trust them for
> > things for which I don't have corroboration?
> Aye.  The purpose of TV is not to inform or entertain, it is to deliver
> your eyeballs to advertisers.  The programs are not the product, *you*
> are the product, and your attention is being sold to people at $25K for
> 30 seconds.  Newspapers are similar, but there's less money in paper,
> so they've cut copy editing to levels and replaced
> fact-checking with trying to make sure they won't be sued.  Note that
> it's *difficult* to convey The Truth to Joe Sixpack.  As such, it's no
> wonder that the mission of the media has changed from "Deliver the truth"
> to "Deliver what sells".  Some say that this has always been the media's
> mission.
> So, with all traditional media channels suspect, I have to get all my
> news from only reliable sources:  The Internet and small children.
> This has led me to believe that the only hope for the nation is to
> elect representatives from the Monster Raving Loony Party in 2008.
5 days after Washington Post published the story, the Arizona Republic
finally figured out that there was a story here...

Of course, they are still trying to figure out what the story actually
is...fear not, they missed it completely.


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Keith Smith
(480) 584-4772
PHP Programming

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Seems to be something there.&nbsp; The funny part is this guy sound indigent and they are going to throw tens or hundreds of thousands at this suite to get nothing more than a judgment that will go unpaid. <br><br>Should be an interesting case.&nbsp; Too bad a lawyer does not pick this one up because this guy is saying he did not INTEND to share his music.<br><br>From a legal standpoint this might be a standard setting case.<br><br>If I leave my car keys in my car in my driveway and someone steals my car, they stole it.<br><br>Seems like this guy is a victim not a violator of the law.&nbsp; If you take something from my computer I did not intend you take that is theft.&nbsp; If he made the music available by accident that may not constitute theft however that might not constitute willful sharing.<br><br>It is an uneven court battle though. <br><br><br><br><br><b><i>Craig White &lt;craig at;</i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid
 rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> <br>On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 23:36 -0700, Matt Graham wrote:<br>&gt; From: Alan Dayley <alandd at><br>&gt; &gt; Craig White wrote:<br>&gt; &gt;&gt; You can count on local news to completely botch the story - CNN too. <br>&gt; &gt; I don't like to watch the news.  Nearly any story on any topic that I<br>&gt; &gt; have some knowledge about, they get wrong somehow.  So, if that happens<br>&gt; &gt; every time with things I have knowledge of, how can I trust them for<br>&gt; &gt; things for which I don't have corroboration?<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Aye.  The purpose of TV is not to inform or entertain, it is to deliver<br>&gt; your eyeballs to advertisers.  The programs are not the product, *you*<br>&gt; are the product, and your attention is being sold to people at $25K for<br>&gt; 30 seconds.  Newspapers are similar, but there's less money in paper,<br>&gt; so they've cut copy editing to levels
 and replaced<br>&gt; fact-checking with trying to make sure they won't be sued.  Note that<br>&gt; it's *difficult* to convey The Truth to Joe Sixpack.  As such, it's no<br>&gt; wonder that the mission of the media has changed from "Deliver the truth"<br>&gt; to "Deliver what sells".  Some say that this has always been the media's<br>&gt; mission.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; So, with all traditional media channels suspect, I have to get all my<br>&gt; news from only reliable sources:  The Internet and small children.<br>&gt; This has led me to believe that the only hope for the nation is to<br>&gt; elect representatives from the Monster Raving Loony Party in 2008.<br>----<br>5 days after Washington Post published the story, the Arizona Republic<br>finally figured out that there was a story here...<br><br><br><br>Of course, they are still trying to figure out what the story actually<br>is...fear not, they missed it
 completely.<br><br>Craig<br><br>---------------------------------------------------<br>PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss at<br>To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings:<br><br></alandd at></blockquote><br><BR><BR><br>------------------------<br>Keith Smith<br>(480) 584-4772<br><a href="">PHP Programming</a><br><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br></span><p>&#32;

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