upgrade advice

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Mon Aug 27 17:27:27 MST 2007

On Monday 27 August 2007, after a long battle with technology, Tuna 
> Um... I added memory to my laptop the day before yesterday, and that
> just kind of worked. I just popped it in and it worked.

The old "mem=" kernel parameter became unnecessary with the 2.4 series.  
Unless there's something seriously wonky with your motherboard, adding 
RAM should Just Work.

> As for the CPU, I'm pretty sure that you would have to do SOMETHING
> when you boot up, but I'm not sure.

If you were running a non-SMP kernel, you'd have to run an SMP kernel to 
take advantage of the new processor.  Building an SMP kernel is not 
difficult, fortunately.

   I will rule you all with my iron fist.  YOU!  Obey the fist!
   --Invader Zim
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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