MP3 to Ogg conversion

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Tue Apr 24 14:25:47 MST 2007
It's called mp32ogg

I made a script that just played the mp3 to stdout and piped it to oggenc.

Naturally, I don't have that script at my disposal.

but I used mpg123 and oggenc to do the decoding/encoding.

Here's a quick-n-dirty script to convert them, with those two apps:

FILES=`ls -1 *.mp3`
for FILE in ${FILES}
        OGGNAME=`echo ${I} | sed "s/.mp3/.ogg/"`
        ${MP3DEC} -s ${I} | ${OGGENC} -r - -o  ${OGGNAME}

You can obviously change the location of the oggfiles being created
and such by tacking on a directory before ${OGGNAME}.

On 4/23/07, Nathan Aubrey <paysonlinux at> wrote:
> All,
> I have literally thousands of mp3 files that I want to convert to ogg. They
> are all legitimate files with no copyrights. Nonetheless, they all have tags
> stating what each file is with author/title and other information in them. Is
> there an easy way to convert them to ogg without having to manually write in
> all the tagging info again?
> I am hoping for something that will just read the info into the new file. I
> know I'll loose some quality, but I'm willing to re-encode that as a larger
> file to make up for it.
> I want to get away from mp3 and stick with ogg.
> nathan
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