Thoughts on Gentoo

John Seth johnseth at
Fri Sep 8 06:53:56 MST 2006

I went from Slackware to Gentoo. The time it takes to compile software,
and recompile when there's updates, balances out with system stability
and speed in my opinion. The "speed" issue is always a hotly debated
issue, with power users trying to shave seconds or even milliseconds off
of the supposed times to compile software, however I look more for
stability, and ease of updating more than the speed.

Emerge works great for applying updates and searching for software I
need or want. The boxes that I have running it have yet to crash or
kernel panic, much less be unable to handle their workloads.  Though, I
will admit, in order to get my systems to their desired usability, I
have had to tweak Gentoo's USE flags for many of my installed packages
quite a bit.


  Tony Evans

Kenneth wrote:
> Any Gentoo users around here?
> I'm taking my second stab at setting it up on a spare partition.  I'm not
> sure yet if I'm going to keep it, but curious what others think of it.
> So far, I haven't emerged gnome, as I haven't had 9 - 10 hours of free time
> to let it compile.
> I'm using icewm with no frills.  I can say one thing for sure, its FAST.  I
> don't know how much is due to the lightweight WM and how much to the custom
> compiling, but I like it.
> I was a little disappointed that I had to read up on USE flags just to
> install Mozilla, but I guess I had to learn sometime.
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