Compaq DL380: Fan speed

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Tue Jun 27 13:25:35 MST 2006

On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 01:07:38PM -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:
> The one I am dealing with is the G1 as in "Generation 1."  It seems that
> the HP site lists it interchangably either with or without the G1. 
> Anything G2 or over always has the G# specified.
> Is this a way to force enterpize hardware upgrades?  Only support the OS
> version that was relatively current when the hardware was released so that
> upgraded software forces a new hardware purchase.  Nice business model, I
> guess, but it feels like a hardware upgrade treadmill for the customer.

Well, G1 *is* getting pretty old, isn't it?

BTW, I ran across some stuff talking about setting the OS type in BIOS
or with SmartStart CD. Setting the OS to Linux will change the behavior
a bit so that some things work. Don't know if that applies on G1, but
it's worth a look see.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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