dumb bash_profile question

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Tue Jul 18 15:06:21 MST 2006

Am 18. Jul, 2006 schwätzte Craig White so:

> there you go - I thought /bin/sh and /bin/bash were the same. It's clear

They are likely the same binary on a GNU/Linux system, but when bash is
called as sh it executes in a bourne shell compliance mode. Some would
contend this mode actually being compliant, but it definitely changes

> that they are not because copying .bash_profile to .profile was just the
> ticket.
> I'm not sure if that is better than changing ingres user's shell
> to /bin/bash but at least I know why it wasn't working.

ingres is probably expecting a bourne environment, so you're better off
not changing the shell. Configuring the shell properly as you have is
probably the best thing to do.


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