Save a disk image

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Sun Jan 29 14:08:59 MST 2006

Boot onto a boot cd like the gentoo live cd, mount the drives under
/mnt/gentoo (or any arbitrary mountpoint), then run:
"tar -cvpf - /mnt/gentoo | ssh root at backup-server "gzip -9 >

Replace /my/backup/directory with the directory you want to store your
bz2 tarball on the remote server, and replace /mnt/gentoo with where
you mounted your debian partition on the machine being backed up.

I've done this half a billion times as a quick way to get a copy of
the OS before I blast a machine for other use.


On 1/29/06, Mark Phillips <mark at> wrote:
> I have an older laptop running debian. I need to convert it to a Windows PC
> for a couple of months. However, I want to put it back to its current debian
> configuration when I am done. I would rather not have to through the debian
> netinstall again and set everything up.
> How do I copy the hard drive (2.1 GB) to my backup server so I can restore it
> later when I dump the Windows stuff? How do I do the restore? I have a new
> 180GB hard drive on my backup server that I can mount with nfs.
> I don't have enough room on the laptop hard drive to make a partition for
> Windows.
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Phillips
> Phillips Marketing, Inc
> mark at
> 602 524-0376
> 480 945-9197 fax
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cowardly to exercise it.  The virtues which cloak these faults are
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Friedrich Nietzsche

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