Extending Network

Dan Lund situationalawareness at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 09:15:29 MST 2006

OpenVPN, perhaps?

On 12/7/06, chip33az at netscape.net <chip33az at netscape.net> wrote:
> My girlfriend took a job in Tucson and I've been thinking of ways to
> extend my network to her apartment.  If there is a problem, there has to
> be a tech solution to it (not always the best though).  Besides the geek
> factor, I wanted to learn about several of these topics, so I thought it
> would be good to try.
> We both have high speed Internet (she:Qwest, me:Cox).  I was thinking of
> setting up a laptop for her to do:

"Courage is like love; it must have hope to nourish it."
-Napoleon Bonaparte

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