Video upgrade advice

George Toft george at
Thu Aug 10 07:23:37 MST 2006

Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> Technomage wrote:
>> I would recommend "interactively bootong" (if thats possible there), 
>> turn off kudzu (temporarily) and then setup the hardware MANUALLY.
> I have no problem shutting down kudzu.
> Anyone have any howto pointers or advice on setting up a new video card 
> manually (on FC5)? I'm afraid that's my only option.

What I did recently was to find someone else's config on the Internet 
(for my GeForce 6200 dual head setup), go to runlevel 3, and ...
	vi xorg.conf
	backup mostly working xorg.conf configs
until it looked right.

No tool I had would set up the dual display on that card so I stood on 
the shoulders of those greater than me to get mine set up.

If anyone is using nvidia chips and dual head, I'll share my xorg.conf.

George Toft, CISSP, MSIS
My IT Department

Confidential data protection experts for the financial industry.

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