Ubuntu ISO Images

David Demland demland at cox.net
Thu Aug 10 07:03:53 MST 2006

The burn shows that everything went well, however when I boot from the CD
and start to load the installer I get a read error. This happens with all
three CDs I have burned.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of Dazed_75
  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:12 AM
  To: Main PLUG discussion list
  Subject: Re: Ubuntu ISO Images

  I noticed this as well David but I had not trouble burning them (though it
did surprise me).  It seems the oversize files end up being in the ~690 MB
range when written.  I do not know why a .iso file would burn to a smaller
size but it did for me.  I did all three (Ubuntu and Kubuntu workstation and
the Ubuntu Server) and since then installed all three.  I downloaded them to
my desktop under Ubuntu 5.10 and just right clicked each and selected "Write
to disc".  Your email looks like you did try burning them and were
unsuccessful (as opposed to simply assuming it would not work) so maybe it
would help if you described the method and environment that failed.

  On 8/9/06, David Demland <demland at cox.net> wrote:
    I have been downloading the new ISO images, from the Ubuntu site, using
    different servers and all of the images are 713 - 715 MB. I can not get
    good CD burn since these images are to large for the 700 MB CD I have. I
    not sure why the sizes are reporting over 700 MB from the download since
    download sites show the ISO image size at 694 MB. The md5 check sums
    so I believe that I have a good download. Does anyone know where else I
    might try to get an ISO image that will turn out to be the 694 MB so I
    burn it to CD?

    Thank You,

    David Demland

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