Need help mounting floppy

Kenneth madhse at
Sat Sep 24 13:27:27 MST 2005

--- Siri Amrit Kaur <tigerflag at> wrote:

> >
> This is really bad... something's very wrong. 
> mount /floppy
> error is mount: no permission
> Changing the icon to /floppy or using the
> commandline to 
> cd /floppy
> I can't even make it to "ls". It just hangs with
> endless I/O errors.
> It's crashing X, making my icons disappear. It runs
> in the background 
> and I can't stop it, even by logging out, going into
> root and doing a 
> telinit 1. Doesn't care if I pop out the disk...
> I/O error. dev fd), sector 0 (also sector 2, 4,
> etc...)
> EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
> end_request: unable to read superblock
> FAT: unable to read boot sector
> end-request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 (& etc...)
> help.

Do you have any sort of auto mounting enabled?  I find
those interfere so much with the way I want to use
floppies and cdroms, I disable them all :)

Does the floppy actually have a vfat filesystem on it?
Although it shouldn't do serious things with your
desktop, etc. if not, you never know.

Does the floppy drive work?  What happens if you type
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/null bs=4099
(before trying to mount it)

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