speaking about Linux firewalls

JD Austin jd at twingeckos.com
Thu Sep 22 21:32:48 MST 2005

David Demland wrote:

>I do not think it is CA software because I have not seen it on my network
>and I use CA software. When I do a lookup on the IP I get
>the following information:
>OrgName:    RIPE Network Coordination Centre
>OrgID:      RIPE
>Address:    P.O. Box 10096
>City:       Amsterdam
>PostalCode: 1001EB
>Country:    NL
>This also supports my idea that it is not CA since the IP is in Amsterdam.
>When I try to connect a HTTPS connection to the same IP I got a message with
>a SSL certificate from a248.e.akamai.net. The look up for akamai.net show:
> Akamai Technologies, Inc.
> 8 Cambridge Center
> Cambridge, MA 02142
> US
>When I connected a to akamai.net I get a coming soon page. So I tried to
>connect to akamai.net through a HTTPS connection. This time I get s
>certificate from plesk of SWsoft, Inc. in Virginia.
>I am not sure what all this means, but it just feels funny to me. Maybe some
>else could shed some more light.
Akamai is a huge web caching service.
A lot of banner ads and other content get cached on their service.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
>[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of Craig
>Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:34 PM
>To: plug-discuss at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
>Subject: speaking about Linux firewalls
>A network where I have one.
>Just set up a new Win2K3 server (don't lecture, I have as much religion
>as the next guy). It's been up for 3 weeks or so and before we went
>live, it punked out (seems to be a memory problem - ahem - Dell)...
>Anyway, I happened to run netstat on the sucker and what do I see but a
>connection that makes no sense at all since it is not exposed to the
>internet in any fashion.
>I can ping that ip address and it's really bothering me. I am going to
>block it at the firewall but I can't get a handle on it.
># nmap -O
>Starting nmap 3.50 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2005-09-22 19:53
>Interesting ports on
>(The 1655 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
>22/tcp  open  ssh
>80/tcp  open  http
>443/tcp open  https
>500/tcp open  isakmp
>Device type: general purpose
>Running: Linux 2.4.X
>OS details: Linux 2.4.20 (Itanium)
>Uptime 24.386 days (since Mon Aug 29 10:37:26 2005)
>Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 16.391 seconds
>Anybody have any ideas what is going on?
>Obviously I put new rules into Linux firewall and rebooted both systems
>but blocking that one ip address isn't likely to stop whatever it was
>that was connected - it may be something like Computer Associates
>BrightStor/ArcServe doing a phone home thing but it really bothered me.
>This message has been scanned for viruses and
>dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
>believed to be clean.
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