asterisk: unable to register channel

JD Austin jd at
Sat Sep 3 19:51:12 MST 2005

der.hans wrote:

>moin, moin,
>I'm having problems getting the land line working with a zap card.

>Sep  3 17:33:53 WARNING[1329]: Loading module failed!
If you did an update that updated the kernel then run
genzaptelconf  and rebuild_zaptel
from root.
The pseudo zap timer uses the usb interface, disabling USB can cause 
issues if you're using pseudo zap.

It might be the dhcp server they bundle too (I don't use the DHCP server).
I did have an issue once where I initially loaded asterisk at home without 
a zap card and then put one in,
I didn't have time to figure it out, so I simply reloaded asterisk at home 
with the card installed and it worked fine.

>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: Unknown directive
>.0' at line 18 of manager_custom.conf
>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: ...
>d may be choppy.
>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: Unknown directive 'parkingtime' at line 9
>of feat
>Sep  3 17:33:57 NOTICE[1348]: Unable to load config mgcp.conf, MGCP
>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No
>such devi
>Sep  3 17:33:57 NOTICE[1348]: Unable to load config skinny.conf, Skinny
>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': No such
>Sep  3 17:33:57 ERROR[1348]: Unable to open channel 1: No such device
>here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
>Sep  3 17:33:57 ERROR[1348]: Unable to register channel '1'
>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: load_module failed, returning
>Sep  3 17:33:57 WARNING[1348]: Loading module failed!

>Hmmm, looks like the permit line is supposed to be commented out.
>I deleted it and restarted asterisk.
>Don't know what what MGCP is.

>I haven't installed anything specific for IAX. That's the asterisk to
>asterisk proto, right?
It will do it automatically.

>I think skinny is for some Cisco hardware devices I don't have.
I don't have cisco hardware either.  Sounds more like the kernel modules 
aren't setup.
Does the box have a sound card?   Asterisk uses the sound card hardware 
for a bunch of things.

>crw-r--r--    1 asterisk asterisk 196, 254 Sep  2 00:44 /dev/zap/channel
>Just because there's a /dev/ doesn't mean the physical device is setup,
True, but if it's not there you can be sure it isn't setup.

>[root at asterisk1 root]# cat /proc/interrupts
>           CPU0
>  0:    1401443          XT-PIC  timer
>  1:          4          XT-PIC  keyboard
>  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
>  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
> 10:       8408          XT-PIC  eth0
> 11:          0          XT-PIC  libata
> 12:         33          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
> 14:      44358          XT-PIC  ide0
> 15:         60          XT-PIC  ide1
>NMI:          0
>ERR:          0
>The zap card was on interrupt 10, but when I restarted asterisk (
>including via reboot and hard boot ) it didn't come back up.
Hmm..  What is on irq11 - libata?
Having eth0 and the zap card on the same interrupt will give you all 
sorts of trouble with audio quality.
Go into the bios and force some thing to share an irq or disable thing 
you don't care about


Heres from a box I'm building:
[root at asterisk1 root]# cat /proc/interrupts

  0:   53503481          XT-PIC  timer

  1:        467          XT-PIC  keyboard

  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade

 * 3:  534466857          XT-PIC  wcfxo*

  4:          5          XT-PIC  serial

  5:          0          XT-PIC  usb-ohci

  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc

  9:          0          XT-PIC  ehci-hcd

 10:          0          XT-PIC  usb-ohci

 11:     525097          XT-PIC  usb-ohci, eth0

 12:        860          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse

 14:     937421          XT-PIC  ide0

 15:          0          XT-PIC  ide1

NMI:          0

>I also tried an upgrade via yum.
 I think at this point you should start over. 
This thing has about the same learning curve as Linux does, but like 
Linux persistence pays off :)
I started over about 6 times before I got the first one right after that 
it was much easier. 

Here are some sites that will eat up more time than you have (grin):

It definately looks like the zap module isn't getting loaded start with 
genzaptelconf and rebuild_zaptel .


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