top posting is better

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Wed Oct 26 13:01:45 MST 2005

This has to be the one of the primary reasons people get up-in-arms
over others trying to push the whole bottom-posting thing.  Everytime
it's talked about, someone always goes the route of arrogance,
bringing up some RFC or throwing the word "ettiquette" around, all the
while acting like the top-poster just "doesn't get it".

It's entertaining really, but none the less even if it is kicking a
dead horse I wanted to drive that point.  No one is right, and no one
is wrong.  RFCs and discussions of it can be done til everyones blue
in the face.


On 10/26/05, Alan Dayley <alandd at> wrote:

> I'll say it one more time, for posterity.
> A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
> Q. Why is top posting bad?
> We discussed this quite a bit *way back* on October 5th, 2005:
> Which refers to a long discussion of it and other etiquette questions
> back in 2003:
> Granted, new people join or old people that don't remember bring it up
> again and that's fine.  I predict we will discuss it again in the near
> future, probably within a year from now.  ;^)

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