Cheap + Good Dial-up ISPs in Phoenix

Daniel Brown majorshitbird at
Tue Oct 25 00:48:24 MST 2005

Netzero offers a free dial up service which includes 10 free hours of dial
up a month. Its really easy to set up if you already have internet access
when you do so.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Odhner" <vodhner at>
To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 10:55 PM
Subject: OT: Cheap + Good Dial-up ISPs in Phoenix

> I am looking for recommendations for / against the lower-cost dialup
> providers here in the Phoenix metro calling area.
> The users in question are refugees being resettled in the US, and I'm
> volunteering to help them learn to use their computers.  They have very
> limited income initially so they need dial-up providers that are (1)
> affordable, (2) honest/non-evil, and (3) as convenient and efficient as
> (1) and (2) will allow!
> These are  MS users (mostly with older donated machines) but AZIPA gave
> me no response so I thought I'd try a more responsive group.  Besides,
> PLUG responses will be more sensitive to various types of lock-in and
> fraud risks, which is a concern for these users who are newcomers not
> only to the Net but to our whole razzle-dazzle culture.
> I already know AOL is off the list due to predatory billing practices.
> PeoplePC has a special Windows-only client that does a lossy compression
> on image traffic to speed things up; I've seen a couple of gripes about
> billing SNAFUs, but a fair number of happy campers also.  NetZero has
> been around for a long time, are they any good?
> TIA,
> Vic
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