OT: Cheap + Good Dial-up ISPs in Phoenix

Victor Odhner vodhner at cox.net
Mon Oct 24 22:55:07 MST 2005

I am looking for recommendations for / against the lower-cost dialup 
providers here in the Phoenix metro calling area.

The users in question are refugees being resettled in the US, and I'm 
volunteering to help them learn to use their computers.  They have very 
limited income initially so they need dial-up providers that are (1) 
affordable, (2) honest/non-evil, and (3) as convenient and efficient as 
(1) and (2) will allow!

These are  MS users (mostly with older donated machines) but AZIPA gave 
me no response so I thought I'd try a more responsive group.  Besides, 
PLUG responses will be more sensitive to various types of lock-in and 
fraud risks, which is a concern for these users who are newcomers not 
only to the Net but to our whole razzle-dazzle culture.

I already know AOL is off the list due to predatory billing practices.  
PeoplePC has a special Windows-only client that does a lossy compression 
on image traffic to speed things up; I've seen a couple of gripes about 
billing SNAFUs, but a fair number of happy campers also.  NetZero has 
been around for a long time, are they any good?


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