cdrecord --scanbus

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Wed Oct 5 14:08:55 MST 2005

for mkisofs to make an iso, it's as easy as:

mkdir stuff
slap your cd contents into stuff
cd stuff
mkisofs -RJ -o ../my-iso.iso .
(-R is for rockwell extensions, -J is for Joliet extensions, -o is the
output ISO name)

After that, doing the cdrecord stuff that other posts have discribed
will burn a CD.


On 10/5/05, Robert N. Eaton <moth28 at> wrote:
> Hans,
> Tried to answer your post telling me that you used a distro of Ubuntu.
> I hit a wrong key or something and the whole reply (together with your
> original post) went to the bit bucket, to /dev/null, or maybe to another
> dimension. (Really wonder what I did, so I won't do it again.)
> Anyway, you wrote that your distro of Ubuntu had Gnome Toaster (or some
> such ap) under Applications -> Accessories.  My version doesn't. :-(  No
> wonder I was getting bewildered. I just read the manpages for cdrecord
> and mkisofs (thousands of lines of "what to do and don't do it"), making
> me even more bewildered. As soon as I master aptget, I'll download a
> copy of whatever it is, and distance myself from the fearsome CLI.
> Thanks,
> Bob Eaton
> PS. Still finding myself up to my ass in alligators, when all I really
> wanted to do was drain the swamp. RNE
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