too many choices (distros)

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at
Wed Oct 5 10:37:39 MST 2005

Hi all,

  This is not a complaint. I enjoy the choices; it's
kinda like being single again... just kidding.

  I've been using Fedora for a while now. It just
leaves me a little unsatisfied in some areas

  So I have to admit I find myself being tempted by
other distros though. OpenSuse should be released
before too much longer; Mandriva 2006 is close to
release. SimplyMepis 3.3.2 is also close to release. I
keep wondering what I'm not seeing that makes Ubuntu
so popular. ..and there's the temptation to get really
hot-n-heavy with Slackware or Gentoo. Some of these
I've fooled around with in the past. Does this make me
a distro gigilo?

  How about a little banter about distros? What are
you using and why? Anyone consider things like boot
time, trimness of the distro, included soft packages &
version, window manager?

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