CRT recycle location in Central to NW Phoenix area?

ben francom bfrancom at
Sat Oct 1 22:28:48 MST 2005

I've used AZ Strut several times, and they take broken stuff too. They'll
use what they can, then recycle what they cannot. They have schools setup
around the valley to take them in. Check out their site so you don't have to
drive to the main place. One time when I donated some stuff, I noticed a
sweet Macintosh Classic that I asked for and they gave me. It sits proudly
on display on my bookshelf.

On 9/30/05, Alan Dayley <alandd at> wrote:
> Bupkus said:
> > C'mon folks, there's gotta be someplace I can put these other than a
> > landfill.
> Google is your friend. A quick search on "phoenix monitor recyle" yielded
> two that looked good:
> City of Phoenix program:
> Arizona STRUT. Don't know if they take completely broken stuff but they
> may know other places or resources:
> There were many other hits to wade through but that is all I have time
> for.
> Alan
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