firefox update

der.hans PLUGd at
Tue Nov 1 14:18:02 MST 2005

Am 01. Nov, 2005 schwätzte Hap Hap so:

> new's top and bottom so far : )
> I want to update firefox1.0.3 in linix Mepis. I downloaded some newer
> versions. I've been reading lots of tutorials for newbies and have not
> found my problem. My question is..... Do I need to remove the the
> 1.0.3 virsion before I  gzip -d ????

I'm basing my answer on Mepis being debian-derived and behaving like
debian. I haven't yet taken time to use Mepis, so this might not be
completely accurate.

First, if Mepis already has the version you want/need, then use an apt
tool such as synaptic or aptitude to do an upgrade.

If Mepis doesn't provide what you need and you still need to go with the
tarball you should figure out where it will be installed.

Also, did you grab source packages that need to be compiled or binary

BTW, there are graphical tools that'll let you do all this unpacking via
mouse clicks. I'm just the wrong person to ask about those :).

I'm presuming you have a file that ends in .tar.gz or .tgz, e.g.

If you have a binary package, you can look at where things will be
installed by using tar to list the contents.

tar tfz firefox1.0.3.tar.gz | less

You can then figure out where you want to unpack the tarball. I would
suggest you put it in /usr/local/bin, then specifically call
/usr/local/bin/firefox when you want to use this version.

Most likely you can run the following commands in a root shell. Presuming
the tarball is in the directory you start in.

cd /usr/local
tar xfz $ffdir/firefox1.0.3.tar.gz

> I'm willing to seek the info myself but can't figure out the correct serch term.

Easier for me to give you the basics than to find a resource :).

Look at the man pages for tar for more info, but try to use a package from
Mepis if at all possible.


#  "Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something."
#   -- Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride

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