launch a command in another user's session

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss at
Wed Dec 21 11:47:23 MST 2005

On Wednesday 21 December 2005 10:41, Josh Coffman wrote:
> Is there a way to run a command in another user's
> session?
> Sometimes I remote my home machine while my kids or
> wife are playing on it... just thought it would be fun
> to mess with them.

I shouldn't be saying this, but.... If your kids are using KDE, then there are 
an entirely new level of things you can do to mess with them using DCOP.  
Quick example: I want to log in remotely and force a switch to the next 
virtual desktop.

1. ssh yourkid at remote
2. export DISPLAY=:0.0 (or whatever)
3. dcop kwin KWinInterface nextDesktop

You can browse all DCOP commands for running apps using the 'kdcop' utility or 
on the command line via the 'dcop' utility.  Also, check out this page for 
more info:

Nearly every KDE app exports nearly all of their functionality via DCOP 
commands so your options are almost limitless.

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