OT: Anyone who knows, Can find ur residence

Derek Neighbors plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 08:20:22 -0700 (MST)

David A. Sinck said:
> This isn't anything but simpler to get to that same information.  Any
> phone book has this information available.  At least for businesses,
> qwestdex.com provides map links too.  I just had the residential page up
> and confirmed that it listed addys for a heap of Smiths, but didn't link
> to a mapping service.  So what was a two step is now one easy step.
> And remember, as you surf from site to site, looking for instructions to
> drive from house to house, YMMV.

It works the other way as well.  Putting in somone's name, city and state
can return their phone number as well as an address.  I will say this is
the most blessed feature of google I have used to date.

Because of it, I was able to find my wife's birth mother (my wife is
adopted) in less than 24 hours.  After locating her name and last known
city of residence I was able to google out a phone number and make a call.
 They were re-united and are forming a relationship.

Just to let you know the glass can be half full or half empty.  You may
see this tool as a way for rapists, murderers and thieves to find your
home.  I see that like many things in life, there are positive uses as
